Missions · Reaching the World for Christ
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
Learning from our involvement with the Accompaniment Program of PPF we have walked with asylum seekers on the border of Agua Prieta, Sonora/Douglas, Arizona with the staff of Frontera de Cristo*.
Over the past ten years we have been in a growing relationship with the people of Urabá, Colombia. Sixty
years of persistent violence of armed groups has led to millions of displaced farmers who barely survive from infrequent day labor. We have joined with the Presbyterian Churches of Colombia in the process of reconciliation, recompense, and rebuilding. We are telling our stories of grief and loss, listening to the needs of each other, praying for each other in times of personal and corporate struggles. In the words of their moderator, we share “the belief that the Good News is more than words; it is also action, based on biblical teachings that give the people new hope and allows them to overcome their suffering and shows them new perspectives on justice and peace.”
Together with the help of the Presbytery of Stockton we sustain three water filtration systems that we have built together, planted hundreds of trees, rebuilt homes for widows, organized youth activities, started bakeries and other small, home industries. Together during the world pandemic while following government guidelines and orders to shelter in place we have been able to deliver food and medicine to hundreds of families. Fifteen pastors have received their minimum salaries and continue caring for the 1500 faithful members. Sixty families have been able to continue the education of their children. Numerous new worshipping communities have been forming in remote areas.
Again, in the words of Rev. Diego Higuita, “The church of the present and of the future will be that which assumes, in a humble but firm way, the calling to focus its actions and proclamations on the profound message of Jesus in their love for those who have been abandoned or cut off from society.”
Click on the images below to learn more about each mission orgination.
First Presbyterian Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout the world. If you would like more information about our missionaries, or are seeking support as a missionary, please contact us.